Clear View Retail Series


Light Weight
Easy Installation
Saving on Shipping

High Transparancy And Brightness

Clear Veiw Retail Specifications

Clear Veiw Modules Specifications

Coming Soon


Product model:


3 Year Free Parts/Factory Labor Warranty

For 15+ years, we have been supporting our products around the world. With more than 100 dealers in the U.S. and around the globe, your SunRise LED display is well covered. If you experience a hardware failure with a covered product during the plan’s term, simply contact your distributor to report the problem. If the issue cannot be resolved over the phone with your distributor, you will be given instructions for the next steps for making the necessary repairs.

High transparency

Depending on pixel pitch the translucency is up to 80%. If the LED display is lit up, it is impossible to tell it is transparent, when powered down it is impossible to see it is there at all. Installation of LED bow GS LED display doesn’t change face of a building and doesn’t interfere with inside workflow.

Lightweight – State of the Art Design

The LED modules are a mere 8mm thick and weigh almost 12kg/m2 each. The power sources and electronics can be placed under or above the LED screen in a tailor-made box. Placement and design of the box are based on the customers needs and is specifically designed not to interfere with interior.

Wide range of applications

Signboards, advertising screens in shop windows, city lights, bus stops, railway buildings, airport halls, shopping centers, office buildings – in short, wherever at least part of the building has glass walls. Design doesn’t have to be just clear, but is available in all shades of gray up to black. The LED display, LED bow GS is then fully comparable with conventional LED displays. Opaque design may be useful for city lights, glazed alcoves, windows and other places where transparency is not desirable.

Cascading Operation

Power supply, signal cable, control system, socket backup available

Easy Installation

Modular Design Components which couple together to create a display to suit your needs.

High Transparancy

High Brightness

High transparency and translucency

Depending on pixel pitch the translucency is up to 80%. When the LED display is on the marketing message and graphics appear to float on the glass. Installation of a SunRise ClearView display won’t change face of a building or interfere with indoor light.

Easy Installation & Maintenance

Modular Design for Components

Flexible mounting

Hanging , Stacking, Window Mount

Fanless & noiseless

zero db

Video Tutorials