Multi-display Asynchronism Function 

VersaNet™ System 2017
We are pleased to announce the new and improved VersaNet™ software and controller systems for 2014. Featuring an asynchronous system with an independent media player, a PC/Laptop connection is no longer required. PLUS, the 8GB SD card installed in each controller provides extended hours of high-quality video play.
The new and improved VersaNet™ software and controller systems also feature:
Failure Notification
If the controller is connected to the Internet, you can set up email notifications if the system experiences any failure.
Play Log Management
The VersaNet™ system automatically keeps a log of the times and dates of segments played successfully and/or if there were any system failures. This is perfect for rental scenarios when “proof of play” information is required for customers.
Play Control & Play Screen Shot
You can control the message while it is playing, such as pause and replay. And using “screen shot,” you can see what is playing live on the display from a remote location.
Storage Management
Onboard storage and 8 GB SD card which allows you to store content and view available storage space.
Display Manager
Manage multi signs at multiple locations by grouping displays at various locations.
Live, remote monitoring the display
View the status of each VersaTile™ module.
Dynamic IP Configurations
Simply connect to your network and the VersaNet™ software will search and find the controller.
Pixel Level Color Calibration
All VersaTiles™ are precalibrated at the factory to ensure consistent color and brightness regardless of the production run. The color and brightness can be controlled right down to the pixel on each VersaTile™ module.
Automatic Voltage And Temperature Control Adjustment
Onboard technology in VersaNet™ software keeps the display operating at the correct voltage to keep it from overheating.
Run A Wide Variety Of Graphic Formats
VersaNet™ is capable of running long videos in an extremely smooth fashion without having the display connected to a PC.
VersaTile’s™ innovative design allows the convenience of changing out modules quickly and easily even while the display is playing, and the new module will automatically pick up the previous tile’s configuration.
Advanced Schedule System
VersaNet™ program can be set to schedule messages, automatically adjust the brightness, and turn the display on and off.
Advanced Weather Display
VersaNet™ software can display complete weather forecast information, such as temperature, humidity, wind, etc. when connected to the Internet.
Playing multi-task automatically, saturation, brightness control, schedule turning on or off the displays and much more..